The Palace of Pain
The Palace of Pain for Quake 3 Arena.

Final: 10:51PM EST 01/24/2000

Files included in the pk3

palace.bsp -- the map
palace.aas -- bot AI
readme.txt --- this file (obviously)
palace.jpg -- me kinda
rok.wav ----- Knee Deep in the Dead By Lollipop Lust Kill
Used with permission and legally distributed

Put palace.pk3 in:

Quake III Arena/baseq3/

Run Q3A

Pull the console down and type: map palace
Press enter

Thats it!

Computer: Cyrix 300
Memory : 96MB
HD : 4.3GB
DSL : 640K
Hours : Approx. 100
Comptime: 1 Hour
AAStime : 30 Mins

Thanx to everyone I usually thank.!

Special thanx:

3pie (beta test)
X (beta test)
DARIUS aka Cygnus

Who am I?

**email removed**

let me know if ya like it!

Quake forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*If your version includes bawitida by kid rock instead of knee deep in the dead,
please goto my site and download the correct version.
This is an error. My apologies. If you own the kid rock album, you are permitted to keep the
kid rock track.
