Rockshellwill by Maxell

Tight, urban environment with a focus on rooftop action. A tower holds the Rail Gun and is a camper's dream. If you end up on the ground it can be difficult to back up to the action. The only real options are to be lucky enough to pick up the Flight power-up, or to jump onto a window ledge, crouch, navigate a small room then crouch through another small window and finally ascend some stairs.

The weapon load is heavy for such a tight space. Even the BFG is present in a small room that can become a trap. If you can pick-up the BFG and get out of the room you will quickly knock up your score.

Chunky brushwork and tiled textures are very consistent for a level that was originally released in 2000. The atmosphere is still very rich and possibly the best feature of the map.

The default player load of 7 (6 bots and you) is just madness. Kicking two bots was still crazy.

Strong atmosphere for a 2000 release. Difficult to move around the tight spaces. But is it fun? Yes, it can be.

Ranked: 3.5 out of 5 (1 votes)

Download: Rockshellwill by Maxell
