Rockshellwill by Maxell
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Geniraul Rep. 1644
#1   4 days ago
I know this map for a while by now, maybe for a year and half or so, I downloaded it from Maxell's website back then. I think the review is very spot on, that's almost word by word what I would've written and exactly the points that I would've mentioned.

I agree about the fact that there's some significant level of tightness that is present in this map and personally, I would've preferred more walkable space. I also wouldn't mind for both windows to be somewhat wider, as when the Flight is not here, it can be very difficult to get away, especially considering there's a Quad that spawns down there, and even more so when there are more bots, let alone players, hehe :D

I did, however, liked the BFG trap, and one of the reasons for that is its unusualness. Normally maps try to get you into trouble by luring you to the BFG and thus, making you more vulnerable, but this level does it the other way around — in theory you get the BFG 'for free', yet you still don't know whether a sneaky camper's already awaiting for you with one under that roof :} It's also a nice spot to camp, I'd even say some kind of a tiny barrack, maybe even a forester's house :) It's illuminated in such a way that it becomes a very cosy place, and there's even an RA to make you feel even more comfortable, this time gameplay-wise. Slash likes to stay there forever, as she likes BFGs and doesn't mind camping either :) I'm sure Razor would do the same, hahah.

Speaking of details, as I've already mentioned, I don't really like the word 'Quakecute', but the Quakecute on this map is very carefully and well executed, from crates to warehouse buildings, passing by the tower, lamps, that log in the BFG room, the streetlight, mattress, sewer hatch, garbage container and exhausting pipe.

I find impressive the fact that such a small map manages to provide all the seven weapons, and I think they are well placed too. In conclusion, I certainly wouldn't call ROCKSHELLWILL a bad map, as it has a definite theme it keeps and many details that a lot of attention was pointed to. It is quite playable as well.

EDIT: Oops, meant to say 'streetlight', not 'spotlight', it's corrected by now :)
Edited 1.37 hours after the original posting.

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