ChiropteraDM by Alcatraz, nunuk & Sock
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raspatan Rep. 4586
#19   14 Jun 2020
A classic, 6/5!
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FragTastic Rep. 2409
#18   23 Feb 2012
This is one bloody brilliant map :). The best Q3 Mappers have come together to make a wonderful piece of work.
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AEon Rep. 810
#17   21 Sep 2009
Interesting "dark" Egyptian style, gameplay felt a bit too zig-zaggy (left/right) and up/downy ;).
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Yarg unregistered
#16   09 Jul 2002
A 10. I've downloaded a lot of maps, and Nunuk knows what he's doing. Everything is in the right place. It's wild and complex, but doesn't look cluttered to the eye. The map looks architecturally sound, as opposed to some maps that look like they can never stand up, or even be built! Great textures. The scale is perfect. Some tight places, and also open areas. I love it. 2 rl's of course, and good frame rates. sparth is great too. HOpe he continues to make more since Q3A is my favorite game ever(so far, until Q4). I agree with "thenight" below me. CYA
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thenight unregistered
#15   06 Jul 2002
11/10 for this map!!
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xGHT unregistered
#14   25 Jun 2002
excellent! 10/10
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Kat unregistered
#13   20 Mar 2002
me again.... :o)

this has better gameflow then Batcula IMHO (which I just dld and played through..) the passages seem a lot 'clearer', it just seems cleaner overall

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ephixx unregistered
#12   20 Mar 2002
eeee.. good.. good.. a very very pretty and clear work on textures, the architectural design is very charming and interesting.. original.. lightings are good too but i noticed the paths that bots follows does never cover every zone of the map, the map itself seems bigger that the efective play ground. isn't it? anyway <8> for me! a great one!
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Kat unregistered
#11   20 Mar 2002
SuXOr : ah.... I'll have to play it with Chirop in mind now... thnx for the heads up..
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<SuX0r> unregistered
#10   20 Mar 2002
Kat -Batcula is a osp map, you may well have played it without knowing :p. Downloading atm may be back with comments on the map (having to work notwithstanding :p).
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Morgoth91 unregistered
#9   20 Mar 2002
I can't agree, I just like Batcula better, still a good map though... <7>
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Q-Fraggel unregistered
#8   19 Mar 2002
Fantastic map. Absolutely.
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nunuk unregistered
#7   19 Mar 2002
no problemo nitin, concerning the looks, i prefer chiroptera myself. there is something incredible about that texture placement sock did, something perfect about the lighting. definitely better than in batcula according to me.
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nitin unregistered
#6   18 Mar 2002
this is one of the top ten maps going around. I like the look of this more than batcula (sorry nunuk) and it plays excellently.
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WesMan unregistered
#5   18 Mar 2002
Damn...that's some kickass work, fellas. Great job on the whole atmosphere, gameflow, and item placement...I did a simple walkthrough of the level and was awestruck at the sheer epic-ness of the layout. Great texture work, great gameflow....Only thing really wrong with it is that..well, I'll think of something later. Now I'm off to play it again. :p
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Kat unregistered
#4   18 Mar 2002
I must be the only person NOT to have played Batcula...! We've got this one running on server and it's a FAV for the guys, lots of nice wide open spaces so we don't have to worry about our pings and reaction time... very nice job.

We haven't found anything wrong with the map and the LightningGun area is the place where all the action is..!

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nunuk unregistered
#3   17 Mar 2002
tx vex. and octovus.

actually, sock really did all the work, chiroptera is HIS map. he even did a whole new pass on brush work and lighting for atmosphere and optimisation. a huge work considering the complexity of the original batcula. messing with the brushwork of someone else is quite complicated.

wanted to thank him for having dedicated so much of his time on this project...

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Vexar unregistered
#2   17 Mar 2002
This is one of the best looking maps that I've ever downloaded!

Pro quaility all the way!

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Octovus unregistered
#1   16 Mar 2002
Honestly, I like Batcula more. As much as I love Egyptian maps, they're getting overwhelming...seems Sock is basically controlling what themees mappers use with his wonderful textures (everyone goes, "Oh! I have to use his latest thing!" :-) ). At least this is partly his map. Still, 9/10...
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